The Role of Knowledge-Based Companies in the Development of the National Economy
The Role of Knowledge-Based Companies in the Development of the National Economy

The conference titled “The Role of Knowledge-Based Companies in the Development of the National Economy” was held at the Center for Development Research and Foresight to discuss the role of knowledge-based companies in the country's development. The speakers at the conference emphasized the importance of knowledge-based companies for Iran's economic future, due to factors such as sanctions, the country's economic structure, and its geographical location.

One topic of discussion was the history of government support for nanotechnology in Iran. The country has implemented three 10-year strategic plans for nanotechnology development, dating back to 2001.

The conference also addressed the strengths and weaknesses of knowledge-based companies in Iran. These companies have strengths such as high innovation capacity and close ties to universities, but they also face challenges such as a lack of access to capital and a lack of business skills.

Several solutions were proposed for promoting knowledge-based companies in Iran. These included localizing the production of sanctioned goods, improving the quality of industrial products, reducing government costs, responding to the needs of society and industry, increasing competitiveness, expanding into international markets, and developing new products.

The concept of knowledge-based development was also discussed as a potential solution to Iran's economic and social challenges. This approach involves using knowledge and innovation to create new products, services, and industries.

The economic pillars of knowledge-based companies were identified as education, innovation systems, information infrastructures, and economic and institutional incentives.

Iran's current position in innovation indicators was also mentioned. The country ranks 53rd in the Global Innovation Index, but it faces challenges in areas such as human capital and research infrastructure.

Finally, the conference discussed the obstacles facing knowledge-based companies in Iran. These obstacles include resistance to change, conflicts of interest, and a small domestic market.

The speakers suggested that these obstacles can be overcome by forming large companies, connecting knowledge-based companies to international markets, and establishing commercial bases in other countries.

In conclusion, the conference highlighted the importance of knowledge-based companies for Iran's development and offered several solutions for promoting their growth and overcoming the challenges they face.

یک شنبه 24 دی 1402 (1 سال قبل )
تاریخ تاسیس مرکز پژوهش های توسعه و آینده نگری به ابتدای مرداد ماه سال 1397 "ه ش" باز می گردد. این مرکز پژوهشی پس از دوران تاسیس و استقرار، اکنون به عنوان یک نهاد مستقل علمی ذیل وزارت علوم، تحقیقات و فناوری در مرحله ی تثبیت ماموریت های خود قرار دارد و در این دوره تلاش کرده است با ساختاری چابک و منعطف به عنوان مرکز تخصصی با مطالعه بر دو کارویژه "توسعه و آینده نگری ایران اسلامی" با مشارکت نهاد های علمی کشور به عنوان مشاور علمی و امین دولت جمهوری اسلامی ایران در تمامی سطوح عمل نماید.
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سازمان برنامه و بودجه کشور
پايگاه اطلاع‌رسانی حضرت آيت‌الله‌العظمی سيدعلی خامنه‌ای (مد‌ظله‌العالی)