The future of Iran from the lens of Scholars
The future of Iran from the lens of Scholars

Iranian officials and experts are calling for a major shift towards "big science" as the key to unlocking the country's full potential and navigating the complexities of the 21st century. This comes amidst a heated debate on the role of science in Iran's development, with emphasis placed on moving beyond small-scale research towards large-scale initiatives the Center for Development Research and Foresight.

Masoud Farastkhah, a professor at the Research and Planning Institute of Higher Education, painted science as the backbone of progress, crucial for achieving economic prosperity, social justice, and environmental sustainability. He warned that in today's knowledge-driven world, Iran risks falling behind without significant investment in scientific advancements.

The need for a "big science" approach was further underscored by Mohammad Mahdi Zahedi, former Science Minister. While acknowledging Iran's impressive ranking of 15th in global scientific publications and 2nd in the region, he stressed the importance of translating research into practical applications and fostering innovation.

However, Iran's scientific aspirations face hurdles. Zahedi pointed to limited funding, a concerning brain drain of talent, and inadequate research infrastructure as major roadblocks. To overcome these challenges, he proposed strategies like increased government investment, talent retention programs, and infrastructure upgrades.

The push for "big science" in Iran is not without its critics. Some raise concerns about potential misuse of resources and the need for a balanced approach that prioritizes smaller-scale research alongside large-scale projects.

Despite the ongoing debate, one thing remains clear: Iran's officials and experts recognize the critical role of science in shaping the country's future. Whether they embrace the "big science" approach or chart a different course, their focus on scientific advancement signals a determination to secure Iran's place in the ever-evolving global landscape.

This report highlights the ongoing conversation in Iran about the critical role of science in the country's development. With a focus on the challenges and potential solutions, it sheds light on Iran's efforts to harness the power of science for a brighter future.

شنبه 30 دی 1402 (1 سال قبل )
تاریخ تاسیس مرکز پژوهش های توسعه و آینده نگری به ابتدای مرداد ماه سال 1397 "ه ش" باز می گردد. این مرکز پژوهشی پس از دوران تاسیس و استقرار، اکنون به عنوان یک نهاد مستقل علمی ذیل وزارت علوم، تحقیقات و فناوری در مرحله ی تثبیت ماموریت های خود قرار دارد و در این دوره تلاش کرده است با ساختاری چابک و منعطف به عنوان مرکز تخصصی با مطالعه بر دو کارویژه "توسعه و آینده نگری ایران اسلامی" با مشارکت نهاد های علمی کشور به عنوان مشاور علمی و امین دولت جمهوری اسلامی ایران در تمامی سطوح عمل نماید.
ریاست جمهوری
سازمان برنامه و بودجه کشور
پايگاه اطلاع‌رسانی حضرت آيت‌الله‌العظمی سيدعلی خامنه‌ای (مد‌ظله‌العالی)